Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Geiger Counter Pose Plastic Spacemen 1965 - 1980 (?) by MPC, LP Toys, Timmee, Hing Fat, "Others", but NOT By Marx

To clarify on my video comments: Marx did do a space set character holding a Geiger Counter but as Ground Crew in the Cape Canaveral Atomic Playset. I am on about the spaceman figures common during the era I grew up in (b.1967), and until this revelation had struck my skull I'd been under the mistaken presumption that Marx was ultimately the entity responsible for the classic Hong Kong space astronaut figures.

Yes but no: The forms were almost surely originated by Hong Kong based toy legend MPC, based on the spindly Project Mercury suited spacemen Marx had brought to bear with "Operation Moon Base" in 1962. The Hong Kong designers added oxygen tanks, made their gyrations somewhat less dramatic, armed them to fight off alien invaders, and cast them in all manner of pretty colors. Prior to "Giant Martian Landing" in 1972 Marx only cast their "real world" non-character spacemen in gray. Smaller versions were cast in fluorescent green and orange to serve as aliens for both OMB and "Mystery Space Ship", but none had diver suit tanks, space machine guns, or Geiger Counters.

Made in China spacemen in the foreground attributed to Hing Fat, who also equipped their spacemen with Geiger Counters.

The only Marx spaceman is the orange dude with the metal detector. The others to the left were all made in Hong Kong by MPC or its local competitors. 

Your basic Hong Kong Geiger Counter Guys, with examples left to right by LP Toys, "Unknown", MPC, and "Unknown".

An example of each maker's Geiger Counter figures, with a few extra unmarked red copies as comparison for size.

All marked MPC except the red figure at center who is noticeably smaller than the others. The lighter blue MPC figure at far right appears taller than the others.

The red figures are unstamped as is the blue figure. Gray figure marked "Hong Kong".

Timmee variations on the Geiger Counter pose with unmarked copy of the MPC pose in red.

Hing Fat "Made In China" Space Bucket Geiger Counter guys. Example with broken arm at far left believed to be an "original". Larger white figure with painted features marked "China" and unknown.

LP Toys' variant, which at first glance appears to be a copy of the MPC pose but is in fact a slightly different sculpting job. Then altered even further when shrunk down for Golden Astronaut duty.

No markings.

Painted MPC figure and the one which confused me into thinking it was by Marx, often known for painting their smaller figures for boxed play sets.

Clearly marked MPC and assigned the #25. This gets interesting.

MPC, now marked #18.

MPC, #23.

MPC, and now #20. If there is any pattern to how these are numbered I don't get it.

And back to #18 again.

Unknown copy, shorter than all of them including the unmarked red copies. Note his smushed-in face.

No clue.

Compared with four of the MPC blue guys, and he is almost half a head shorter than them all.

Left: Unmarked copy.
Right: MPC #18

Both unmarked copies. Note size difference.

All four by Marx.

Left to right: Copy from non-marked set, two from sets marked MPC, and two Marx made "Operation Moon Base" Camera Guys.

MPC, Unknown, MPC, and Marx (apparently clipped from his base by prior owner). None of the other Camera Guys are in the same pose or have the same uniform features as the Marx guy.

Turn like a Wheel inside a Wheel.

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