Monday, July 22, 2019

Bootleg Marx Toys "Bop Rocket", 1958 Design, Made In Hong Kong "Space Rocket" Clone, Year/Maker Unknown

Pretty far out little thing! and was so eager to bust it open that I hadn't taken a quick look at the useful "Playset Magazine" #84 (Nov/Dec 2015). Identified therein as a Marx-designed Bop Rocket as used in the 1958 "Satellite Launching Staion" playset. This one manufactured in Hong Kong at some point during the 1960s or very early 70s, will check with the vendor for any data he may be able to share.

I'd seen this (or other examples) listed as a Space Tank & been interested, if only because it fell in the less than $30 price range my budget can allow ... Pretty sure I had something like it as a kid, or recall encountering similar puff-rocket toys which pops the projective out with a quick gush of air. There were more complex toy sets from the 70s which also featured rocket launchers using the same principle, and I'm pretty sure the basic concept is still around today. Just shooting off something warm and fuzzy rather then the business end of a Polaris looking missile. What do kids do these days for fun?? Anyway upon seeing it come up again at the bargain price well below my price range limit (bag had been opened & card bent, which I can live with) and now knowing to associate the form with both Marx Space Toys and Hong Kong space plastics, I bit.

Roosevelt Dime for scale, and it was smaller than I'd anticipated until seeing the shipping box. Handsome! I like the blue especially. Delightful casting details.

That definitely looks to be a re-purposed Marx logo brand on the base. Tip of the rocket also marked "Made In Hong Kong". And while I don't plan to be firing it off very much, it's impressive how few things there are to break. Just the fins on the rocket which is very hard plastic. That's the kind of toy design which persists -- Will be looking for the modern remake when next at the dollar store.

Gorgeous. I love garbage like this. Explains the form and function perfectly. No maker cited anywhere.

Love the yellow. The forty five minutes or so spent on designing the card shows <3

A collector's complete "Satellite Launching Station" as pictured in PM #84, cell phone picture utilized to demonstrate how the form had been used by Marx. Obtain your own back issue with the full story by visiting the Playset Magazine website here:

Will take care of it! and any insights on its production are welcome. Comment below or email using the form provided.

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