Monday, June 3, 2019

Gumball Machine Model Rocket Kits from the mid 60s + Unidentified Rubber "Space Capsule" Form (?)

This one is a complete mystery and may indeed not be a "space capsule" at all. If anyone recognizes just what it is please comment or message. I gots ta know!

Soft flexible rubber like material. Was sold to me with a "Lot" of vintage spaceman figures. Oddly, it had a plain white hollow plastic ball inside, purpose unknown nor indeed if it was actually meant to be in there at all. It just was, so the seller sent it as-was, since removed (and saved aside) by myself.

It has been suggested that it might actually be some sort of garden hose type accouterment, or other valve/flow type attachment for some sort of device.

With two known Mercury capsule forms, on the left by LP Toys and Mattel at right.

Works for me ...

Three of these were obtained in a different "Lot" and were sold as "Gumball Machine Rocket Model Kits from the Mid 60s", this one having been completed and taking the form of a Mercury Redstone.

Gumball machine globes not shown, both of the two unassembled rockets still have theirs.

Here an unassembled Mercury Atlas, and I am all over that escape tower.

This a Polaris ICBM, again never assembled.

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