Saturday, December 25, 2021

Vintage Space Toy Christmas Bling Box with Gilmark Spaceships, West German Space Cars & Other Thrilling Stories

Christmas 2021, still shacked with the parents as we watch the world COVID itself out. Our family doesn't really do the materialistic Christmas thing so I've learned to make sure there's something sweet under whatever "tree" takes form in our home. This year personified by a marvelous hand-built repurposed woodshop scrap artificial tree my father built. Got to go to the hardware store (twice), put on his shop coat, use the circular saw, drill press, clamps. Goes into the attic on Super Bowl Sunday until next year, never need to buy a tree again. Guy has been stoked and the project helped inspire my own makeshift Christmas Tree art shown here.

My holiday fun was defined by a somewhat overdue colonoscopy on the 22nd. So, I knew I had to come up with something extra nice that would be a kind of reward for enduring the episode. Procedure was over before I knew it but the prep was an ordeal and low point of 2021. All I can say is get it done if you've been meaning to, and make sure you've got a goodie to look forward to.

Actually scored the lot back in November & kept it boxed until Christmas morning - An admirable display of restraint, especially knowing that red Space Pickup (my name for it) was in there ...


What sold the deal; Gilmark "Supersonic Jetmobile", early/mid 1950s? Looks to be intact, a genuine rarity given the fragility of the hard plastics used and prevalence of gravity in our solar system. 

Gilmark "Flying Saucer" missing its two side/rear dorsal fins.

Fins would go in the slots over the back winglets.

And the German space cars, what I believe to be the originals of these bubble top tailfin plastic cars. Check prior posts for a look at the Hong Kong made copies of them I've managed to find as well.

The Zed-A 567 which is apparently able to clock 375km per hour.

The DC 27 manages 340km per hour, nothing to sneeze at.

The RS 17 comes in as the slowpoke with a 330km per hour rate of speed.

The entire breadth of such vehicles from my stash. Will be taking more pix of them for sure so check back again soon.


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