Thursday, October 15, 2020

Multiple Toymaker Packaged Copies of LP Toys 30mm Spaceman Figures (and a Bootleg Thunderbird 5)

The "set" in question. Came bagged with the reproduction header card at upper left in a very modern bag. Twelve ~30mm spaceman figures and a bootlegged Thunderbird 5.

The suspected source of the toy forms, 1970 Multiple Toymakers "Space Case" playset, which also includes a non-wheeled Billy Blastoff space buggy. Unfolds into a space station as shown at lower left.

US quarter for scale. Nice little thing.

No markings.

But it does like something got rubbed out at the mold stage between the 6 and that raised hump.

Here again on the tail at lower, looks like something got scratched out.

Figures are very crudely cast. Shiny waxy plastic, no markings on their base undersides.

For comparison, at right one of the "Space Set" copies, at left figure on the left from a UK cake decoration vendor's set with Hong Kong marking on its base's underside. Notice that the figure on the right doesn't seem to have a pistol, nor do any in that pose from the grouping above, which at first I'd concluded had to be a casting error.

Same sources as above. Figure on the left's pistol is indistinguishable or outright removed. MT/MPC did remove the firearms from their 54mm spacemen in either 1968 or 1969 with a casting change to three figures. The "Space Case" playset these figures are presumed to have been taken from with a 1970 date on it. So these may have undergone some editing prior to being cast. The angular relation of the suit ribbing on their upper thighs is also visibly different.

By contrast these are the four figures obtained from the UK cake decorations vendor. All weapons present.

All four marked Hong Kong, came with a blue lunar module similar to the "Blue Shield" sets.

For further comparison figure at left from the UK cake lady, in white from a different "lot" of vintage plastics. The angular strokes used for the rippling in his space suit different at just about the hip level from the red figure.

Same sources as named above and this time the difference in sculpting is quite noticeable around the hip section. Upper left chest region as well. 

Angular relation of the ripple strokes on the back of their thighs is quite different. Their molds appear to have been created from slightly different models.

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