I was on a plastic mini planes kick and happily stumbled upon this oddity, utterly having to have it upon seeing the space figure cast in silver. Which looked familiar, though I could't quite place it until looking at my MoC Jek Porkins.
Obtained a couple years back as part of a grab bag of junk drawer space figures. Each is about 1.5 inches, soft translucent plastic, no markings, and at the time I didn't think too much of them.
Yes, those are twisted. I guess they are humanoids wearing space armor rather than robots. Design very much rooted in pulp science fiction traditions rather than suggesting functional flight suits.
Yeah that's cool.
And that's a match. Whether these came before the Italian spaceman set (packaged by Co-Ma) came first or this has yet to be determined.
Clues on the likely age covered in the video upload, with 1956 as a safe bet.
Bag was not heat sealed and is only kept shut by these (apparently) 75 year old staples. I asked a seasoned veteran collector his opinion on what to do and he said open it immediately. Ran the situation by ToySoldierHQ and they had a similar reaction. Pliers standing by for the right moment.
(UPDATE: I opened it, see below.)
I'd previously scored a shoebox full of what appear to be a host of Empire Plastics cars, trucks, lorry vans and trolley cars. Close inspection of the loose vehicles to those in the bag netted some interesting differences and are likely a jumbled collection of various copies. Will display some of those observations in a future update.
One more hint from ToySoldierHQ is that Empire may have been responsible for this line of plastic mini space ship toy forms as well. The toy forms and packaging on a Space Train set shown on their site is more or less identical to an on the card Empire Plastics train set with their address on it. Will come back to this subject again sometime.
Looks like one is reaching up to grab the other guy's pistol hand to stop him from frying the wrong guy.
"NO. Wait, don't ..."
Bag contents: 1x DC-6, 1x Navion, 3x XF-89 Scorpions, 5x F9F Cougars (Panthers?), 1x Trolley Car, 1x Tow Truck, 5x Plastic Figures (in 3 poses).